Though some might consider her fashions a little schoolmarmish, I find her combination of ruffles, bows, cardigans, pins and pencil skirts to be absolutely endearing. She has a very buttoned-up, vintage feel and mixes in pretty, old-fashioned accessories in unique color combinations.
If I lived off of a (television) high school guidance counselor's budget, I would clean out her closet and jewelry box in a flash. (Glee's wardrobe department must be betting on the audience's total suspension of disbelief, because most public school teachers are not dressing like this....)
Take a peek at a few of my favorite Emma ensembles:

Emma is a girl after my own heart, a lover of cardigans in every color. I'm inspired both by her monochromatic outfits and her distinctive flair for pairing shades. (And by her, obviously I mean the talented team of stylists who prepare her looks.)
Mad Men's Joan Holloway and Betty Draper are on vacation 'til August, but Emma Pillsbury has filled their high heels quite nicely. I'm loving this stylish guidance counselor's look.
Do you have any TV style icons? Are you a cardigan fan, Emma lover and closet Gleek too?
Mad Men's Joan Holloway and Betty Draper are on vacation 'til August, but Emma Pillsbury has filled their high heels quite nicely. I'm loving this stylish guidance counselor's look.
Do you have any TV style icons? Are you a cardigan fan, Emma lover and closet Gleek too?
I love Mrs. Pilsbury's style! And I've been watching since it premiered after Idol last season, too. Wasn't that so exciting? It was such a tease, but I was so happy that this awesome musical show was going to be coming back!
As for my TV style icon.... I can't think of anyone right now! Maybe that means I watch too much reality TV.
Anne! :) I so enjoyed catching up with you via your blog today...and as for me, you *know* I am such a Gleek, and not even a closet one at that! ;) Miss Pillsbury's style is absolutely vintage-fabulous, and you are right, most public school teachers do NOT dress like her- but I do try! :)
TV style icons...hmmm...I used to absolutely adore Charlotte's style on Sex and the City.
I've entered a contest to win a walk-on role on that retro-licious TV show, "Mad Men".
If you wouldn't mind taking a couple of seconds to vote for me, go to my blog, or copy and paste the following link which goes right to my picture:
Thanks a bunch!
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