I cried at the gym today.
For some reason, exercise has always made me emotional. Just ask Kristen, at whom I snapped on a long run, "Could you please breathe a little more quietly?" Or something along those lines. Bless her heart for not tripping me right then.
So today I was going full steam ahead on a treadmill when Zac Brown's "Highway 20 Ride" video came on. Hearing those lyrics always puts a lump in my throat, but the combination of an accelerated heartbeat and watching a little boy "grow up" onscreen did me in.
There were tears, y'all. On a treadmill. I am mortified.
I've cried every Sunday in church since I found out I was pregnant 14 months ago. That I can blame on hormones, on gratitude, on thinking of our precious son in God's house and feeling overcome with emotion. (I know I'm not alone on this. Brooke, feel free to back me up!)
The people who sit near us each week must imagine I'm struggling with some intense issues. I had to warn our friends who were visiting Grace the other week that I probably wouldn't make it through tear-free, and not to be alarmed. Sure enough, in the last song before service ended, the saltwater started flowing. I was so close!
I have no idea what my treadmill neighbors thought, but I'll tell you one thing: next time I'm changing the channel!
Watch this video and see if you can make it through - then teach me your ways! This line, at the 3:00 mark, gets me every time:
"It was the pleasure of my life and I cherished every time. And my whole world, it begins and ends with you."
Happy Birthday Ruthie!
2 months ago