You may have finished all the Peeps in your Easter basket last week, but there's still one more on the way - in our house at least!
The patient and persistent among you who still check
Anne Says So occasionally may have wondered what on Earth has been happening lately...besides a whole lot o' not posting!
For a girl who's always chattering and whose life is a very open (and usually boring) book, it's been a difficult ten weeks keeping a very big secret....
Bradley and I are expecting!
I'm 14 weeks along and our baby-to-be should arrive in mid-October. (Though I'm planning on Halloween just in case... Y'all know how I am once something's in ink on a calendar!) We couldn't be happier!
I've felt wonderful so far, just a little tired and always up for a nap. The last few days I've had a bit more energy and I look forward to feeling like my old self as the second trimester progresses. I've always been a big napper, so I don't want our little Grapenut to take too much of the blame for my extra hours of shut-eye.
I thought it might be time to lift my self-imposed embargo and share the news with everyone! Talking about it makes it feel so much more exciting and, well,
real. We've heard the sweet little heartbeat several times and are counting down to our big ultrasound next month.
What does this mean for you, lovely reader? Now we'll be back to (hopefully) more regular posting!! It's very hard to chat about something when your mind is totally elsewhere and you're fighting desperately not to spill the beans.
I anticipate lots more regular fill-ins about the heavy, meaningful issues I normally tackle here. Shopping, weather, pop culture and other breaking news. And I promise to be a more faithful blog reader and commenter again as well. Napping has cut into my blog-reading time in a big way!
Hard to believe that next Easter our family will have one extra little Peep around....

(Don't worry, this isn't my subtle way of saying we're having triplets - it really is just one little Peep. But lately I've been hungry and sleepy enough for this many little chicklets, so it seemed appropriate.)
Hope you all had wonderful Easters! Thanks to those of you who've been praying for and celebrating alongside us as the news has trickled out! xoxo