Total addictions:
1. Burt's Bees lip balm
2. Kiehl's lip balm in the tub (notice a trend?)
3. Crystal Light to-go packets
4. Diet Cherry Coke
5. graham crackers with peanut butter
6. Lost, Grey's Anatomy
Partial addictions:
1. Diet Coke at 10 am on workdays
2. The Bachelor, Gossip Girl
3. Dave Matthews Band (Those who knew me in the late 9os would agree! I think my daily Dave quote emails were the predecessor to this fabulous contraption. They were the blogs of the late 9os and early millennium years, complete with shout-outs, comments and special requests.)
4.,,, home of the best Bachelor recaps ever.
Proud to have recovered from:
1. Vera Bradley
2. PopTarts, the college girl's breakfast of champions
3. Target
4. The urge to monogram anything that will sit still long enough. (Another version of this was tiger paws or sorority letters on everything.)
5. Laguna Beach, Newlyweds and Ashlee Simpson's show (remember?)
6. Having no wardrobe outside of dresses and sorority party t-shirts with jeans. Now, don't you judge me! You did this too!
7. EBay (the buying, not selling - I still do that)
Up and coming addictions:
1. Singing in traffic. Worry not - the windows are up, folks. I am nothing if not a philanthropist.
2. Samantha Who on ABC - The writer's strike hit me hard and I had to look far and wide for new entertainment options. What's that you say? Books? Ahh, I love books. But Samantha Who only takes 22 minutes of my (and my DVR's) time. Nothing like a quick fix!
3. I'm sure all of you can point out a few others I may be overlooking!
Never did have:
1. Singing in the shower
2. Any kind of video-game anything. Wii, XBox, Playstation, Atari, what-have-you.
3. Slogan t-shirts (Blondes have more fun, everyone loves an Irish girl, etc.)
4. Uggs (Whew.)
5. YouTube
What about y'all?
P.S. Did anyone get the Ashlee reference in the title? Who's purchased the album? Thoughts?