- The feeling that every song played on the radio this morning was meant just for me.
- A husband who comes to hospital OB tours, looks at nursery fabric swatches, listens to random facts from baby books and puts his hand out to feel his baby kick - only to have said baby stop moving immediately. (Sneaky little boy!)
- Friends and family who call, email and write to share sweet wishes.
- Beautiful new stationery.
- A sweet baby gift on our doorstep - and therefore a reason to use mybeautiful new stationery.
- A less than sweltering summer, overall. We are in South Carolina, y'all - I keep telling myself it's been so much worse in previous years.
- Which leads us to....air conditioning, my very best friend each August - especially this one.
- A bright pink cardigan that made my Thursday but might not button if I were brave enough to try.
- A sweet dog waiting for me at home who always reminds me that I'm the highlight of his day.
- Eight days 'til I get to see some of my very very favorite girls in the whole world - and all under one roof! The 29th can't come soon enough.
- Twenty four hours 'til the weekend!
Happy Birthday Ruthie!
2 months ago
1 comment:
All great things to be thankful for! Welcome back to the blog world! You have been missed!
You better post some belly pics!
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