Five things you should probably know about me. Leave me a comment - I need to know five random things about you. Seriously, I mean YOU.
1. I would decorate my entire house in pink, orange, green, damask, stripes and toile if I could. Alas, Blue and Bradley have put the kibosh on my "decor by estrogen" theme. Surprisingly, the new PB Teen catalog was chock full of delightful treats that are right up my alley. Does that make me a closeted teenager? One can only have so much robin's egg blue, navy and taupe in a home! Anyone need a room painted cupcake pink? I'm dying to live vicariously through your Pepto-Bismol paradise!
2. I must have the shades closed after sunset. Not that I fancy myself fascinating enough to have a stalker, but I don't like thinking that someone can see in while I can't see out. I've even been known to unintentionally do this at other people's homes. (Sorry, Sarah!)
3. I remember loving a TV show called "Rags to Riches" and really wanting to be the blond girl. Don't remember another thing about the show, but it made enough of an impression that I've always wanted to be the cute blonde in a sitcom. Gossip Girl, the Facts of Life, Friends (if Rachel's highlights count) - the only exception would have to be Dawson's Creek. Really, who didn't love Joey?
4. I have no qualms about going to the gym and then consuming a bag of movie theatre popcorn in lieu of a real meal later that evening. Totally evens out, right??
5. Sometimes I squeal out loud while watching television. This kind of reaction is used sparingly, but it's just as ear-piercing and unnecessary as you'd imagine.
I think it started with Jordan Catalano-Angela Chase hand-holding excitement on My So-Called Life, followed up by Ross and Rachel finally kissing in Central Perk just a year or so later. Mix in a few Joey/Pacey/Andie scenes, and perhaps toss in a few moments from Party of Five.
This phenomenon has largely faded away until recently... An obscenely high-pitched estrogen-induced squeal was emitted this week when Jim on The Office revealed that he bought his girlfriend Pam a diamond ring a week after they (finally) started dating. I'm thinking that the decibel level when he actually proposes will most likely triple, so B may need to head for the hills on Thursday nights from now on. (Ginny, please chime in here.)
Love you all - have a beautiful weekend! Leave me your random five facts...
Happy Birthday Ruthie!
1 month ago
Thought i'd get things rolling with a comment!
1) Starbucks is better cold than hot.
2) Friday afternoons at work are perfect for blogging -- because let's be honest i haven't done any work since the staff meeting at 9:30 AM this morning.
3) I inadvertently purchase in color themes. The color of the year seems to be teal. I'm no longer allowed to purchase teal.
4) Anne has made me addicted to self tanner, i went to yoga last night and sweat a lot in my yoga pants and now my knees are white where the self tanner has worn off. (I bought the Jergens fast tan stuff, it's scary)
5) I use the same cup everyday at work and i never wash it. Some how this doesn't bother me -- however i won't let other people drink out of my cup because i think that's gross.
1) I live in a small town and I really, really miss Target. I'm totally driving 25 miles tomorrow just to go there.
2) Earth Day is coming up, and I'm glad people seem to care about it again. Did anyone else have an Earth Day T-shirt back in the early 90s? I was very proud of mine.
3) In response to Sarah's "same cup every day"... I'm the opposite. I'm less cautious about people drinking after me than I should be, but I can only to for a week without changing cups at work.
4) Lately I have a thing for books on tape.
5) "Obsession" doesn't even begin to cover my feelings about the Food Network. The only show I don't like is Semi-Homemade with Sandra Lee. She is a disaster, she annoyingly redecorates her kitchen every episode and everything she makes looks gross. Today she made a PB&J martini and decorated the table with her nephew and niece's rain boots.
Anne, I love that you started a blog!
Here are my five things:
1.) I am totally addicted to diet coke. I have to have one on my way to work in the morning and then, of course, as I sit down at my desk and begin work. It's really hard to concentrate without it. I keep saying I'm going to start cutting back on my level of daily consumption, but this hasn't happened yet.
2.) I'm not ashamed to admit that I love the '80s. Mostly, I love the music of that decade, and I have the remarkable talent of being able to remember not only the words of most '80s songs, but also the title, artist and year of the song. If the song came out during a period in which I was allowed to watch MTV or VH1 (when they still played music videos), I can usually tell you about the video as well. Not sure where this talent is going to take me in life, but we'll see.
3.) I never really did much online shopping until I met Anne. Sitting beside each other in a cubicle each day, she taught me the ins and outs of online shopping, particularly at my favorite store, J. Crew. Anne, I'm sure that Neil will forever be grateful to you for this! :)
4.)Another addiction of mine -- "What Not to Wear." My friend Kathryn and I came up with this concept when we were in 8th grade, but didn't have the marketing budget to really hit the ground running with our idea. Plus, we weren't old enough to drive to the mall yet, so that kinda limited the level to which we could help people learn "what not to wear." Still, she and I are both pleased to know that it's now become a national hit!
5.) This year, Neil and I FINALLY moved into our new house. Now I completely understand why people say that they will never build a new house again. But, at the same time, it's really nice to have the house exactly as you always dreamed it would be. I'm still trying to figure out how to decorate it and get it looking exactly as I want it to look. (Anne, maybe there will be an excuse for a pink room in my house one day and then you can come help me decorate it with toile and all the other fun stuff you mentioned.)
I am super pumped about this blog. Absolutely fabulous.
1) I love working for lawyers. Some say I'm insane; I say it keeps me sane.
2) I have caught myself picking out stationery for Hannah. Yes, I know she is only 1 and will not be writing notes for some time.
3) I am posting my "Friday Five" on Sunday. This is pretty typical response time for me, so we'd better get used to it.
4) I do believe I am about to have the busiest week of my life. In addition to my full-time work schedule, the week includes working for the Junior League at our rummage sale both today and tomorrow, taking a trip to Wrightsville Beach for the CAPA conference with Gabe, taking a trip to Hartsville, SC for a party and wedding, taking a trip to Santee to see Gabe's parents, and then finally heading back to Winston next Sunday.
5) Last night, we had our first successful dinner party since moving to Winston-Salem. YAY for having friends! Confession: I did not use my fine china because Gabe said "eating pork butt on fine china is ridiculous."
KBW, Gabe's comment made me laugh out loud. So I'm guessing you served the pork butt on Chinet? :) Reading about your week gives me a migraine - hope it flies by smoothly!
1. I drink champagne … on Sundays … at 2 p.m. … in the bubble bath.
2. Every day, I’m inching closer and closer to becoming a vegan. Not on purpose. It’s just that every day, meat and dairy look a little less inviting and attractive. (O.K., so the books “Fast Food Nation” and “Skinny Bitch” might have a little something to do with it. But mostly, I just struggle with the fact that I am an animal lover that eats animals).
3. I wish I grew up spending summers on Nantucket … even though I have never been.
4. I am 100% addicted to glossy, thick, beautiful magazines of any sort. Travel, fashion, gossip, architecture, cooking, interior design … you name it, I subscribe. We're talking about a serious problem here. Charles is always begging me to clean out the piles of magazines stacked in the office, but I can’t bring myself to do it. Instead, I just find ways to organize them so it looks as if I’ve gotten rid of some.
5. Sometimes, I feel like I’m not taken seriously just because I have long blonde hair.
So I love this blog too.... no better way to start a blah tuesday morning at the office!
1. I have become a coffee addict in the last couple of months- now, at work, people actually can tell when I have or have not had my coffee... scary (and Sarah i do agree that starbucks is better cold)
2. I no longer have a fashionable work wardrobe- I really need to subscribe to the 'what not to wear to work.' Not only am i always disappointed when getting dressed in the morning, but it takes me longer to choose my outfit than it does to take a shower AND dry my hair (SCARY). Any ideas for good workwear would be greatly appreciated.
3. Michael and I are starting to pack for our big move to Atlanta and it is driving us crazy. I keep 'cleaning up' and moving really important information to a safe place only to forget where that place is.
4. I am having my last party at our house in Chapel Hill in a few weeks- how sad to leave everyone that we care so much about but exciting to move to a new place and meet new people and friends!
5. I am becoming an online pottery barn addict and watch HGTV all of the time with this new house thing on the horizon. It is getting absurd.
Ok, so I'm really glad that I'm not the only late poster.
1. I can do the wave with my tongue and wiggle my bottom eyelashes. Yup, that's why Devin married me.
2. Although my parents are really happily married and I have an older sister, I totally relate to "Gilmore Girls" and there are days that I'm Rory and days that I'm Lorelai.
3. My all-time favorite activity on a Saturday morning is staying in bed late (or moving to the couch so as not to be a bum) and watch back to back episodes of "Beverly Hills, 90210" followed by "The O.C." (which I never watched when it aired originally) on SoapNet.
4. I go to church nearly every Sunday morning and often follow it up with yoga and this confuses the crap out of my mom. Usually yoga is followed by a "godly rest" which is what my dad calls a nap on Sunday.
5. I have developed quite a taste for good sci-fi and comic books.
Anne~ I totally agree with the squeal! I do that too, and I have an audible sigh when I'm really happy about something or sob when the story goes someplace sad. Devin has to be careful what he watches with me!
Kathryn~ Um, I agree with Gabe!
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