A sure sign that this couple is on the road to tabloid cover status? The creation of their celebrity mash-up nickname: "Swiftenhaal."
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez started the couple naming craze with "Bennifer." Next Britney Spears married Kevin Federline and "Spederline" was born.
While each of those couples has long since parted ways, the two most famous celebrity couple mash-ups were created by the following time-tested formulas:
Brad + Angelina = Brangelina
Tom + Katie = TomKat
And now, with the confirmation of Taylor Swift and Jake Gyllenhaal's burgeoning relationship, the press is eager to come up with a similarly catchy nickname.
Sadly, I don't think the "Swiftenhaal" moniker is it. Simple is better, but neither "Take" nor "Jaylor" are as identifiable as their distinctive last names. Any other ideas?
While you're brainstorming, what I'd really like someone to figure out is what Jake's sister and brother-in-law, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Skarsgaard, should be called. Have you ever seen so many vowels in two last names? "Gyllengaard," perhaps?
We have some friends who refer to us as "Kritney." And you and Bradley would be "Branne!"
I love it! Or maybe Branneley?
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