One of my favorite Christmas traditions is sending and receiving cards. In recent years, as photo cards have become more popular, I've loved this part of the holidays even more. Such a snapshot of our friends' and families' lives!
When I was little, my mom displayed each card we received on our mantel and in a beautiful tree display. It made me sad to take it down after Christmas was over! I loved looking over the pictures and notes that came inside.
As Bradley and I started our own family, I grew to love the updates and cards from our friends even more. It's hard for me to part with our cards each year; I usually save them for a while before I let them go. (That's a euphemism for "throw them away," but I can't even bring myself to say the words. Tossing pretty stationery is pure heartbreak!)
Last year was the first time in a while I haven't sent out a Christmas card. Our hands were a little full and I wasn't able to get my act together in time. Instead, I sent birth announcements just after the New Year and called it an even trade.
This year, Shutterfly is offering bloggers 50 free holiday cards and I'm excited to participate! Now that I know where we'll be getting our cards, the question is which design to pick. My favorites are below and our family photos should be to us tomorrow.
Here are my top contenders so far:
There are a lot more to choose from, so I'm hoping I can find just the right picture to make our Christmas card complete. I'm sure lots of y'all are ahead of me and have your cards stamped, addressed and waiting to mail come December 1st, right?
After last year's card-less debacle, I'm happy to just to be thinking about it before Christmas Eve!
Happy Birthday Ruthie!
2 months ago
1 comment:
I think the middle one is more 'you'. But the others depend on which picture and which makes Mac-er you- look better!
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