Thanks for all your sweet texts, comments and tweets! B and I had a fantastic time at the beach - such a great time, in fact, that I took exactly three pictures. Too much fun to slow down for a camera, I suppose.
I walked on the beach, lazed by the pool, enjoyed yummy seafood, tore through a long book, took naps while B had meetings, dressed up to dance and dine, swung by the outlets and basically soaked up adult conversation all weekend. (Not to say we didn't talk about Mac; we absolutely did. It's amazing how quickly kids come up when you meet new people!)
You've already seen one of the pictures I snapped last weekend. Food was clearly high on my priority list; I'm paying the price for it at the gym this week.
Here are the other two - proof that I did indeed wear a bathing suit and indisputable evidence that chivalry (ha ha) is not dead.
Happy Birthday Ruthie!
2 months ago
Oh my gosh, I GROANED when I read that sign!
Glad y'all had fun! I am hungry for the beach!
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