I caught all the hubbub yesterday about the 9/9/09 date and was just as struck by it as I was on 7/7/07, then in a pre-wedding frenzy, and 8/8/08 - that is to say that I barely noticed at all.
UNTIL someone asked on Twitter if we remembered 9/9/99. Ten years ago exactly. I have a terrible memory, but I was overcome with very specific memories of that day. Why, you ask? A very shallow reason -the MTV VMAs.

I remember where I watched them, with whom, the commercials (new Ford Focus was introduced and no one liked it!), the less-than-sexy Kid Rock and Eminem, Li'l Kim's lavender (ahem, half naked) outfit, Britney's first VMA performance (oh, young and innocent Brit), N Sync's dancing...the list goes on. It was the heyday of TRL, Carson Daly, Ricky Martin, teen pop and a totally different time in my life.
So I'm officially old. I remember, really remember, things from a DECADE AGO!! Eep!
If this is how quickly ten years can go by, I'm going to be 50 before I know it. Someone please remind me to enjoy my twenties while I can, because I keep forgetting I'm not 94 already...
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