Hi, friends -
Some of you may know from Facebook (or email, Twitter, texting and every other means of communication that's kept me going these last 24 hours) that our Mary Brooks had emergency surgery yesterday.
She was diagnosed with intestinal malrotation and volvulus, essentially a twisting of the gut that cuts off blood flow to her bowels. She had been sick since Friday and I was hoping for an answer of some kind, but certainly not this one.
Twenty four hours ago we were just arriving at the hospital for an ultrasound, hoping to get a closer look at her stomach and possibly some insight into what was going on. Within an hour, we had surgeons lining up and were scrubbing up to hand our baby off in the OR. Unbelievable.
She came through beautifully, with none of the major complications doctors had brought up initially. We have felt, in so many ways, God's hand in this situation and I can't wait to tell you all about it.
In the meantime, would you continue to pray for her healing, for her comfort amidst this pain, for her brother as he adjusts and tries to understand the many changes, and for us as we work to split our time and care?
I've been surprisingly, shockingly, truly okay. I am carried by the prayers of others and I feel a peace that knows no explanation beyond this one. That said, natural childbirth was easier. I'd do it ten times over just to keep this tiny, sweet, angelic little creature from feeling one more ounce of pain.
It's an apt analogy, natural childbirth and our stay in the pediatric unit. People applaud you for it, but you (or I) don't choose it. You aren't a hero for surviving it, because you don't want it. You don't feel like you're doing it well, it's certainly not what you would have preferred to do, but you're tossed into this situation and you just do it. There's no other way but through it.
Thankfully I have felt far more carried than I have like someone "powering through" a tough time. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop but so far I have been a person entirely unrecognizable even to myself. Few tears, little panic, just peace. And gratitude.
I am ready to hold my girl without tubes and wires, ready to take her home, ready to pile our family onto the sofa and feel "normal" again. That will be a while, though, as they anticipate a five to seven day stay here at minimum. And obviously we want her to stay until she is 100% ready to go. But please, Lord, let that be soon.
I'm too thankful for words for each of the notes and calls and prayers. Know how very much they mean right now, to me and to Bradley as well.
I'm so grateful to know we're taking her home, that she'll be well and healthy and likely never think of this another day in her life. As for me, that's probably not the case; I'll never forget the care and love we've felt here and the miracle we're living.
We love y'all and will keep you posted!
Happy Birthday Ruthie!
2 months ago
First, I am so glad to hear that things are going well with Mary Brooks and hope they continue to improve. Second, I am so impressed with your calm, steadfast trust in the Lord through these difficult times with your baby. After clicking through to the passage, I printed a copy to place on my desk at work, as this is one of my struggles in daily life, much less in difficult times of questioning, worry and angst that you face. My prayers and thoughts go out to you, as do my encouragement and awe. Your children are blessed to have a mother of such faith and strength.
I'm sorry that you've had to go through that. What an amazingly difficult thing. I'll be praying for you and your family.
I'm so glad the surgery went okay. Sending lots of prayers.
My heart hurts for you, Anne, but I know your faith has carried you through this. You are in my prayers, friend!
Praying for you. Your faith is really inspiring in this situation!
Anne, You and your precious family have been in my constant thoughts and prayers. As I prayed for y'all last night, God brought Psalm 91 to mind. Based on your post, it's so evident God is indeed your refuge and fortress during this time. I'm so thankful for his faithful protection and provision for your family and especially for Mary Brooks. Prayers will focus on continued faith and trust in Him, healing for MB, and understanding for Mac. Thanks for keeping us all updated.
Anne, I have been praying for you and little Mary Brooks since I saw the update yesterday. What an incredible witness your faith through this tough situation has been! Will pray for continued peace, strength and healing for your sweet girl.
Happy Mary Brooks is doing well! Praying for a speedy stay at the hospital! Will also be praying for you and your family as you navigate this new journey.
Anne-Your strength is powerful. Keep holding onto that. Let us know if you need anything. Our prayers are with you!
Anne, Your strength and peace and faith is truely inspiring. I am so thankful that Mary Brooks is well on the way to 100% recovery! You have all been in my prayers since I saw on Facebook that she was having surgery, and will continue to be. I look forward to hearing that y'all are back at home, safe and sound!
And a quick PS...I randomly read your blog post on monograms. This girl most definitely has monogrammed china by Pickard. You *NEED* monogrammed china, I mean, you are thinking of your children and grandchildren if you buy it! ;)
Continuing to pray for all of you. I'm so happy that MB is doing so well. What a beautiful little fighter she is. And so is her mama! Praying for her healing and your strength. And praying for Mac as he adjusts and for Bradley as he continues to lead your family. God has His mighty healing hand on all of you.
Praying for you and your family. She's so lucky to have a mama like you! Truly makes you appreciate the little things like being able to get medical attention when you or your little ones need it. I always pray for those moms who don't. I hope you're all together and healthy soon!
Oh, Anne! I must have been under a rock on facebook because I didn't even know what was going on! What a difficult, scary thing to go through...but what a great story of peace and faith during all of this! I will most definitely be praying for sweet Mary Brooks {who is beautiful, by the way}, you, and the rest of your precious family. Please keep us posted!!!
I am crying. So unbelievably thankful that the Lord protected sweet Mary Brooks! We love ya'll so much.
Thinking and praying for y'all constantly. Please let us know if you need anything. Love ya'll.
I am so glad she is out of surgery and healing, I know you don't feel it but you ARE strong and brave to get through it. Love and prayers to you!
Oh, my - I can't even imagine. I'm so sorry - and so impressed by the grace with which you're handling this. Sending you all prayers.
Oh anne...my little sis just told me about this from reading your blog off of your comment on our blog....I am floored! I will so be praying. I'm just so sorry you and little mb have had to go through this. God is so good to carry you through like he has! What a precious gift! Hang in there. We are praying! Erin Fuduric
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