Last weekend, Bradley and I finally took Mac-Mac to get his very first haircut. We'd heard great things about a place that specializes in children's hair and offers parents baby's first cut for just a penny.
After months of hemming and hawing, we finally decided to go for it and get our wild man's toddler coiff under control.

So we got Mac all buckled in and headed out for a long overdue trim.

His hair didn't look unkempt from
certain angles...

...but if you caught sight of it just right, he was definitely sporting a mullet.

He played with a few toys while we waited, taking in the "big kids" sitting nearby.

When it was his turn, Mac came armed with two blankies and a bowl of Cheerios, his very favorite sources of comfort.
I wish I could find words to express just how unfathomably well behaved he was, but looking at the unwrangle-able, full steam ahead, squirmy little toddler who lives in our home, I am befuddled by his composure. (But so, so thankful!)

He sat perfectly still!

He people-watched as other families came and went.
There truly was a
lot for the boy to take in.

After saving a few locks for his baby book, we were thrilled with the finished product. Here's our suddenly
big boy and his mom, who noticed her own scraggly 'do after seeing this photo and got a little chop of her own!
What a little man! He looks so much like you in these!
Why did this just make me tear up?!? He looks so big! And he behaved so, so well!
Where is this place??
I LOVE his pants!! Love them!!
Oh my gosh he is SOOOOO cute!! I also loved the pants!
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