My sweet friend Ashley has asked me to join her in the hot seat, so here I go! The rules are as follows:
1) Post the above picture to your post
2) Share 5 things about yourself (silly, inspiring, super honest)
3) Nominate another blogger friend.
Here are my 5 things:
1. Being a mom has changed my whole life - top to bottom, inside and out. More than just being a mom, I really love being Mac's mom. Even sick, as he is today, he is the highlight of our lives. I'll never understand what we did to deserve such a precious, precious boy!
2. My whole life I've struggled with my desire to be a crafty girl, a cooking fiend, a hostess who can whip up dinner for ten in an hour. The reality? I'm nothing close. I'm fortunate to have a husband who runs a mean vacuum, scrubs a shower ten times better than I do, explains football to me without condescension and lets me attempt to play domestic diva when the mood strikes me. Some girlie things are more my cup of tea than others, but I'm always trying to figure out what it means to me to be a good wife, a good homemaker, a good gift-giver, a good woman all around. I'd sure love an ounce of Martha Stewart in me, I can tell you that!
3. Even with my distinct inability to recreate the pages of Better Homes and Gardens, I have reexamined my priorities and my desires without ceasing since Mac was born. What does it mean that I care less about the world outside of our home and more about what happens (and who grows up) in it? I've become newly focused on making our home the best it can be and being a "thermostat" who sets a joyous, happy mood for every hour our family gets to spend together in it.
4. I grew up unable to snort or make silly pig noises. Totally incapable. (Why did I try to do this? I'm still not sure...) As soon as I met Bradley, laughing fits began to include a (loud!) random snort - uncontrollably and often. Now if I could only turn that "talent" off!!
5. I am looking forward to welcoming several precious babies this year - Liz's new daughter Reagan, her sister Brooke's twins (!!), Kristen's Baby Gamecock and a few more that have yet to make themselves known to us. Mac shaped 2009 for us - and every moment since then - so welcoming these world-changers into my friends' lives is something I can't wait to do. Babies for everyone, hooray!
Now I nominate my sweet friend Kristen for the hot seat! Spill, K. Dub!
Happy Birthday Ruthie!
2 months ago
Just when I thought I knew everything about you ... you bust out with the "pig snort" information. :) Snorting or no snorting, I wish I could hear your laugh every day! xo
aww thanks for the shout out on your blog! :) we are just as thrilled as can be!!
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