In all of the germ-fighting we've been doing the last week, I haven't gotten a chance to tell you about the big change around the Smith household. I'm going solo!!
No, not as a parent - as a PR practitioner. As of last week, I've left the world of full-time work and am going freelance. We are so excited and I have lots to share on that front soon!
I spent a very worthwhile two and a half years at my agency and I adore the fabulous friends I met there. Even so, it became clear recently that it was time for us to start a new chapter.
Having Mac and a full-time job turned out to be quite different than I'd imagined. (Maybe I didn't imagine it enough before he arrived...)
Between pumping, packing and unpacking diaper bags, washing nine bottles each night, daily baby laundry, trying to throw together food for us grown-ups, getting Mac into a nighttime routine and attempting to stay afloat with my to do lists, I was work-focused (preparing for work, commuting or doing work) no less than 13 hours a day.
Not to mention the cold, stomach bug, RSV and bronchiolitis Mac managed to pick up in his two months at his daycare. (We're going to miss everyone there, but not the germs!)
My working mom routine left little wiggle room - I pretty much put aside household chores, running errands, grocery shopping, keeping in touch with our friends and families, taking care of Blue or spending time with my sweet husband.
That's not to say it's impossible to juggle everything, as I know many moms do it with far more children than our one tiny Mac. For us, though, this is the right choice.
I'm so excited to have a more flexible schedule and grateful for the opportunity to try out something between stay-at-home-momhood and working 40 hours a week. Those of you who know me well realize that change is not my strong suit, so stepping into something entirely new is a big deal for me. It's nothing I took lightly or rushed into, but after plenty of time talking, praying and thinking about it, it was time to leap.
I imagined my first week "out" would be a touch less hectic than it's been, though. Besides the doctors' appointments, baby care and usual house stuff that fill up my daily routine, my to do list looks like this for the week:
Here's hoping there are a few more check marks on this list later today....
Details to come! xoxo