Bradley and I went to the doctor on Thursday and were absolutely overcome by the images we got to see from our anatomy scan. Baby's heart (all four chambers!), brain, spine, stomach, kidneys, arms, legs and tiny feet. We got the see a sweet little face and an absolutely precious profile.
We also got to see that we're having a baby BOY!!!! I made her double-check, just to be safe, but the pictures let me know, without question, that I will soon be outnumbered.
I knew I'd be happy to see the ultrasound pictures and I even anticipated a sense of relief from the boy/girl question that everyone asks about. What I didn't anticipate, however, was last Thursday being one of the very happiest days of my life. I could have stayed in that ultrasound room right up 'til October.
Bradley and I were just talking and realized that we'd rather relive those 20 minutes in the ultrasound room than our entire wedding day, wonderful as it was. We're totally entranced by this little miracle - and calling our baby a "he" rather than an "it" has made it all the more exciting.
I have seen our baby's ultrasound video twice since we've come back - once on our laptop, pausing in awe at some of the movements I missed, and once on our big-screen TV. (Our baby won't be that big at any point in his life - talk about a crazy view!)
Thursday's appointment was first thing in the morning - and I don't think I had a coherent, non-baby-related thought until mid-day Friday. I thought knowing our baby's gender would answer one really big question, but instead I feel like it's the start of something much, much bigger. Now I have all the time in the world to wonder what he'll look like, who he'll favor, what he'll do for fun (assuming shopping doesn't top his priority list), if he'll think I'm the lamest, least rough-and-tumble person he's ever met... You get the idea.
You could have knocked me over with a feather, as my sweet friend Kristen says, when they told us it was a boy - but I could not be happier. Now if y'all could just start sharing exactly what little boys do and how I can ensure that I'm not the girl sitting inside in the air conditioned comfort while my three boys (Bradley, baby and Blue) run wild outside.... Any tips are welcome!

How exciting. Time to buy the blue :)
Congratulations - that's awesome!
Congratulations Anne! Boys are so special and sweet as can be! If it makes you feel any better, I've got you by one...I live with 4 boys now!
We couldn't be happier for you two! Congratulations!
Congratulations, Anne! I wish I could give you some advice on how to not "feel" so outnumbered, but I can't ... I'm outnumbered four to one in my house (Dan, Eli, and our two very male dogs). You just have to roll with the punches (and scuffed knees, T-ball in the house, carpet-wrestling, etc.). But oh, is it fun. I wouldn't trade my position as "queen" of the house for anything. And that's what you'll be too! Yay!!
Congratulations!!! You will love having a little boy!!
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