Our Christmas was just perfect! We spent the weekend before Christmas in Columbia celebrating with my extended family, eating lots of food and opening a million presents for Mac. And a few for us too!
That night we made a little change in Mac's room:
Once we finish up the final touches on his room, I'll do another before and after post with the full scoop.
The following weekend, after a nice lazy "Christmas break" week, we kicked off the celebrations by having my parents up for Christmas Eve.
They brought Mac (more) presents and even his stuffed-to-the-gills stocking from their house. I really need to do a separate post about their stocking traditions and creative stuffers; they set the bar high!
I'm glad our Christmas tree's theme this year was "unbreakable," because it proved to be quite necessary.
Mac kindly undecorated the bottom two-thirds of our tree, assisted with ribbon removal and also lent a hand with present arrangements. It was a hands on Christmas all around!
Candy canes, many smashed and broken by the time Santa came, were the most appreciated piece of decor in our home. Ahh, two-year-olds.
After a beautiful Christmas Eve service at Grace's downtown campus, Santa B and I stayed up far too late staring down this:
Clearly my "I'm tired, my back hurts, are you almost done?" glances contributed significantly to Bradley's efforts, because by Christmas morning this is what Mac saw in the sunroom:
After playing for a bit, we made our way to Bradley's parents' house, just an hour or so from ours, for more Christmas fun. Our six-month-old nephew and his parents were in town, so the fun was multiplied!
Uncle Todd and Aunt Laura saved the showstopper for last, though, when they gave Mac a shiny new ride-on tractor! He was beside himself.
We're moments away from 2012 and I'm doing one of my least favorite things - undecorating.
Mac, I feel your pain. (Although he's spending NYE with his grandparents in Columbia tonight, so I guarantee you there are no tears. Or naps, but that's another story for another day.)
We hope your Christmas was every bit as sweet!
Looks like a wonderful Christmas! Emery received that same kitchen last Christmas and she still plays with it every single day. I hope Mac enjoys it just as much as she does! And, you are going to have to share your "big bed" tips with me -- getting close to making the big move in our house too. Happy New Year to my favorite Smiths!
Such fun pictures!! Looks like ya'll had a great last Christmas as a family of three. It wouldn't be complete without a few tears shed by babies and mommies, right?! Love ya'll and can't wait to catch up soon! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the Smiths!
So E and Mac have the same kitchen. Now? we need lessons for them to make their Mama's some food :)
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