Three years ago today I married my very best friend.

We said our vows, kissed and sped back down the aisle, grinning like fools.

We took a breath after the ceremony, basking in a "we just won the lottery!" level of excitement.

We said to one another, "I'm so glad it's
over!" (Little did we know
it had only just begun.)

I changed my name.

I stole glances at my new husband, marveling at the word.

I felt like the luckiest, happiest girl alive.

I had cake, champagne, a sparkly new wedding band, the love of our friends and family - oh, and my Bradley. What more could a girl ask for?
Three years since have passed in a blink, but I sometimes feel as though we've been married all our lives. It's strange to feel like newlyweds who also have a lifetime of memories together. but there's no other way to describe it.
(B had two requests: that I wear my hair down and that we have Moon Pies. I don't think he's made another special request in his life, so orange and white Moon Pies were served alongside traditional RC colas. And I left my hair down.)I couldn't have imagined that anymore happiness could exist for us. July 21, 2007 was a wonderful, wonderful day.
But the last three years have been even better. Happy anniversary to my very favorite boy in the world. I'm so glad to be your wife, to raise Mac alongside you, to spend every day laughing at absolutely nothing - and knowing you find it funny too. Nothing could make me happier than growing "old" with you.
awww! happy happy anniversary, friend! you have so much to celebrate and be proud of. here's to many many more happy years together.
Your wedding is still one of my favorites I've ever been to. I wish you and B many, many more years of happiness and growing old together!
Happy Anniversary to You Two Lovebirds!!! You were a gorgeous bride, and now you're an even more breathtaking mommy!!!!
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