For my checking account, for possible resulting marital discord, for my waning willpower, for my inability to pull off prints with the winsome darling-ness of Boden's British models. (In my mind they're British, at least.)
A text message from a friend just gushing over the latest offerings pushed me over the edge. Wow. I want to move to England, buy a dozen cheery raincoats and twice as many wellies, throw lots of quirky dinner parties and wear bright orange cardigans over teal dotted dresses.
We all know none of this will happen, so the least I can do is point out a few of my favorite things. And drop hints that just because my birthday's in July doesn't mean we can't celebrate it all. year. long. You are grateful I was born, right, B? Okay then...
(Ooh - now they have an outfit maker where you can mix and match fair. If J. Crew had this, I'd be in the poor house for sure!) Here we go!

Jacket I could never pull off but think is super pretty? Okay!

Stripes + bows = love.

Cropped dots!

My favorite color and a fabulous Grecian backdrop? Santorini cardigan.


Don't you ever want to be the "girl in the taxi?"

Do I love the dress or just the scenery?

Could anyone really pull this off? Love the nod to England...
I wanted just about everything in that catalog too!
I love all of it! BTW Anne you could totally pull off that jacket.. love it!
OMG -- I am so in love with the entire Boden catalog. Just got it in the mail and can't stop looking at it!
Oh, girl, I have had a very similar post brewing in my head because of the Boden catalog! I have so many pages turned down to mark things I like! I have never actually gotten anything from there, though -- how do the clothes run? Now they have American sizes, so that should be a little easier...
Just these clothes work well on us shorter gals? Love all of your favs, Anne...not that I am even the least bit surprised. =)
just had to add my comment here...I have a bit of a love affair with boden too... I always want it all but can hardly afford it, I(well, lets be honest, my mom) get it for my boys too...LOVE their stuff!!
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